Posted by: peru2007 | July 9, 2007

Bienvenidos a Cusco!

¡Hola, familia y amigos! Our day started out early as we were on the bus ready to leave at 7:30 this morning to catch our plane to Cusco.  We left this morning missing the kids TREMENDOUSLY and also mourning the departure of our friends, Ed, Stephanie, and Becky, as they traveled back to the U.S.  Our kids were spoke of often today, and the void of that relationship was on our minds
Our plane to Cusco left on time!  Hallelujah!  Not only did it leave on time, but it left the tarmac at exactly 9:35 a.m.  We marveled at God´s creation at lift off when we saw the sun again for the first time in several days in the air and the beauty of the top of the Andes Mountains just outside of Lima.  The view was breathtaking!  Many of us that were tired did not get any shut-eye because we were looking and taking pictures outside the windows.
Another one of God´s beauties is Cusco, Peru.  This city is amazing.  We were all in awe when we landed, and drove around with the Condor Travel crew (who is amazing and very helpful).  The altitude really got ahold of some of us off the plane and there was lots of laughter and slow walking.  We were advised to take it easy.  Our hotel´s name is the Royal Inka II, and the accommodations are tremendous.  Most of us have a view of the lobby from our windows facing the inside of the hotel. 
After a MUCH NEEDED rest, we had lunch at the hotel and then packed up on the bus.  We visited the El Buen Pastor orphanage, which consists of girls from ages 9-19 years.  Many are there due to abuse or the loss of their parents.  These beautiful and talented girls put on a show for us that consisted of several singing numbers including a young lady singing a song by Salena, a duet by girls singing the Back Streeet Boys, and a group number of The Lion Sleeps Tonight.  They also demonstrated two originial Cusco dances, and several modern dances with all 26 of us dancing with them for the finale of the show.  For the remainder of the time there, we went to their workshop where the girls knit and make original items like purses and dolls.  After spending time with these girls, we honored them as several of us bought the items that they made.  We left the orphanage knowing that had we spent the week with them, we would have become as attached as we were with the children at the San Antonio orhpanage.  These young ladies were precious and lovely.
We had some free time this afternoon before dinner in which we strolled the gorgeous streets of Cusco, and took in shopping or sight seeing.  In the middle of the city is a square where a major party was happening.  If you haven´t watched the news today, Machu Picchu was just recognized as 4 on the list of the 7 Wonders of the World.  They were having the celebration in the square with it´s remarkable Incan temples and mountains surrounding us.  We will never get an opportunity like we had today ever again!!
Our dinner took place at Don Antonio´s Restaurant, where we ate buffet style and got an impressive Peruvian dancing show.  The costumes were incredible, and it was a fun way to end a very long day.  Tomorrow will be even longer as we must leave at 5:30 a.m. to make the train to Machu Picchu.  Check back tomorrow for our adventures there!
We love you all!  Keep praying for us, including a safe travel back to the U.S.  Claire

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