Posted by: peru2007 | July 9, 2007

A VERY important clarification…

Friends and supporters,

 As the moderator of our blog, I feel an urgency to clarify something that was posted on our blog yesterday.  I know many of you have been reading the blog daily, and we are extremely excited about all of the support we have received through your prayers and comments this week.  Thank you all so much!

We have had a different person on the team blog each day, and it has been fun to see different people’s perspectives on the trip and on what God has been doing.  Needless to say, this has been an absolutely AMAZING experience for all of us.  We could really never thank you enough.

That brings me to the necessary clarification.  For those of you who read the blog anytime within the past 24 hours, you may have noticed a title to yesterday’s blog that was unsettling and some information in the blog that may have seemed a little questionable to you.  Please let me explain for those of you who did read the blog…

When we arrived in Cusco yesterday, we were instructed to drink a local drink called Coca Tea, which supposedly helps with altitude sickness.  The drink is made from the leaves of the coca plant – NOT a cocaine plant, as was described in the blog.  The drink is NOT a drug, and it is NOT questionable for any of us to drink it.  It is simply a tea – very similar to green tea – and helps travelers to adjust to the high altitude (we are at over 11,000 feet in Cusco).  Some of our team members have found it effective, while others have not.

I felt it very important to make this clarification for a couple of reasons.  First, I know many of you have supported us financially, and I do not want ANYONE to think that we have handled that support irresponsibly.  Second, many of us realize that what was posted yesterday could potentially have adverse effects for us personally – in our relationships and our jobs.  Please understand that the posting was a misunderstanding by the team member that posted it.  Thanks very much.

Tag Green


  1. Tag, thanks for the clarification. I never would have thought that the support was handled inappropriately. You all have special places in my heart and I am glad there are Christians like you all who are willing to leave our comfort zone to spread God word.

    Be safe and prayerfully you all’s flight home will be with any mishaps.

    Roz’s mom

  2. Last sentence was to say your flight home will be without any mishaps 🙂

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